
Table of Contents




GenesisState defines the crisis module's genesis state.

constant_fee cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin

constant_fee is the fee used to verify the invariant in the crisis module.




MsgVerifyInvariant represents a message to verify a particular invariance.

sender string

invariant_module_name string

invariant_route string


MsgVerifyInvariantResponse defines the Msg/VerifyInvariant response type.


Msg defines the bank Msg service.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription
VerifyInvariant MsgVerifyInvariant MsgVerifyInvariantResponse

VerifyInvariant defines a method to verify a particular invariance.

Scalar Value Types

.proto Type Notes Python Type
double float
float float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int/long
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. int/long
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. int/long
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int/long
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. int
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. int/long
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int/long
bool boolean
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. str/unicode
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. str