

DominoOp(key, input, output)

Proof(total, index, leaf_hash, aunts)

ProofOp(type, key, data)

ProofOp defines an operation used for calculating Merkle root The data could be arbitrary format, providing nessecary data for example neighbouring node hash


ProofOps is Merkle proof defined by the list of ProofOps

PublicKey(ed25519, secp256_k1)

PublicKey defines the keys available for use with Tendermint Validators

ValueOp(key, proof)

class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.crypto.DominoOp(key: str = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, input: str = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, output: str = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>)[source]

Bases: Message

input: str = <object object>
key: str = <object object>
output: str = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.crypto.Proof(total: int = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, index: int = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, leaf_hash: bytes = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, aunts: List[bytes] = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>)[source]

Bases: Message

aunts: List[bytes] = <object object>
index: int = <object object>
leaf_hash: bytes = <object object>
total: int = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.crypto.ProofOp(type: str = <object object>, key: bytes = <object object>, data: bytes = <object object>)[source]

Bases: Message

ProofOp defines an operation used for calculating Merkle root The data could be arbitrary format, providing nessecary data for example neighbouring node hash

data: bytes = <object object>
key: bytes = <object object>
type: str = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.crypto.ProofOps(ops: ~typing.List[~evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.crypto.ProofOp] = <object object>)[source]

Bases: Message

ProofOps is Merkle proof defined by the list of ProofOps

ops: List[ProofOp] = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.crypto.PublicKey(ed25519: bytes = <object object>, secp256_k1: bytes = <object object>)[source]

Bases: Message

PublicKey defines the keys available for use with Tendermint Validators

ed25519: bytes = <object object>
secp256_k1: bytes = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.crypto.ValueOp(key: bytes = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, proof: 'Proof' = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>)[source]

Bases: Message

key: bytes = <object object>

Encoded in ProofOp.Key.

proof: Proof = <object object>

To encode in ProofOp.Data