

Block(header, data, evidence, last_commit)

BlockId(hash, part_set_header)



BlockIdFlag indicates which BlcokID the signature is for

BlockMeta(block_id, block_size, header, num_txs)

BlockParams(max_bytes, max_gas, time_iota_ms)

BlockParams contains limits on the block size.

Commit(height, round, block_id, signatures)

Commit contains the evidence that a block was committed by a set of validators.

CommitSig(block_id_flag, validator_address, ...)

CommitSig is a part of the Vote included in a Commit.

ConsensusParams(block, evidence, validator, ...)

ConsensusParams contains consensus critical parameters that determine the validity of blocks.


Data contains the set of transactions included in the block

DuplicateVoteEvidence(vote_a, vote_b, ...)

DuplicateVoteEvidence contains evidence of a validator signed two conflicting votes.

Evidence(duplicate_vote_evidence, ...)


EvidenceParams(max_age_num_blocks, ...)

EvidenceParams determine how we handle evidence of malfeasance.

HashedParams(block_max_bytes, block_max_gas)

HashedParams is a subset of ConsensusParams.

Header(version, chain_id, height, time, ...)

Header defines the structure of a Tendermint block header.

LightBlock(signed_header, validator_set)

LightClientAttackEvidence(conflicting_block, ...)

LightClientAttackEvidence contains evidence of a set of validators attempting to mislead a light client.

Part(index, bytes, proof)

PartSetHeader(total, hash)


Proposal(type, height, round, pol_round, ...)

SignedHeader(header, commit)


SignedMsgType is a type of signed message in the consensus.

SimpleValidator(pub_key, voting_power)

TxProof(root_hash, data, proof)

TxProof represents a Merkle proof of the presence of a transaction in the Merkle tree.

Validator(address, pub_key, voting_power, ...)


ValidatorParams restrict the public key types validators can use.

ValidatorSet(validators, proposer, ...)


VersionParams contains the ABCI application version.

Vote(type, height, round, block_id, ...)

Vote represents a prevote, precommit, or commit vote from validators for consensus.

class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.Block(header: 'Header' = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, data: 'Data' = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, evidence: 'EvidenceList' = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, last_commit: 'Commit' = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>)[source]

Bases: Message

data: Data = <object object>
evidence: EvidenceList = <object object>
header: Header = <object object>
last_commit: Commit = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.BlockId(hash: bytes = <object object>, part_set_header: ~evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.PartSetHeader = <object object>)[source]

Bases: Message


hash: bytes = <object object>
part_set_header: PartSetHeader = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.BlockIdFlag(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

BlockIdFlag indicates which BlcokID the signature is for

class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.BlockMeta(block_id: 'BlockId' = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, block_size: int = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, header: 'Header' = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, num_txs: int = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>)[source]

Bases: Message

block_id: BlockId = <object object>
block_size: int = <object object>
header: Header = <object object>
num_txs: int = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.BlockParams(max_bytes: int = <object object>, max_gas: int = <object object>, time_iota_ms: int = <object object>)[source]

Bases: Message

BlockParams contains limits on the block size.

max_bytes: int = <object object>

Max block size, in bytes. Note: must be greater than 0

max_gas: int = <object object>

Max gas per block. Note: must be greater or equal to -1

time_iota_ms: int = <object object>

Minimum time increment between consecutive blocks (in milliseconds) If the block header timestamp is ahead of the system clock, decrease this value. Not exposed to the application.

class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.Commit(height: int = <object object>, round: int = <object object>, block_id: ~evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.BlockId = <object object>, signatures: ~typing.List[~evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.CommitSig] = <object object>)[source]

Bases: Message

Commit contains the evidence that a block was committed by a set of validators.

block_id: BlockId = <object object>
height: int = <object object>
round: int = <object object>
signatures: List[CommitSig] = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.CommitSig(block_id_flag: ~evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.BlockIdFlag = <object object>, validator_address: bytes = <object object>, timestamp: ~datetime.datetime = <object object>, signature: bytes = <object object>)[source]

Bases: Message

CommitSig is a part of the Vote included in a Commit.

block_id_flag: BlockIdFlag = <object object>
signature: bytes = <object object>
timestamp: datetime = <object object>
validator_address: bytes = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.ConsensusParams(block: ~evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.BlockParams = <object object>, evidence: ~evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.EvidenceParams = <object object>, validator: ~evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.ValidatorParams = <object object>, version: ~evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.VersionParams = <object object>)[source]

Bases: Message

ConsensusParams contains consensus critical parameters that determine the validity of blocks.

block: BlockParams = <object object>
evidence: EvidenceParams = <object object>
validator: ValidatorParams = <object object>
version: VersionParams = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.Data(txs: ~typing.List[bytes] = <object object>)[source]

Bases: Message

Data contains the set of transactions included in the block

txs: List[bytes] = <object object>

Txs that will be applied by state @ block.Height+1. NOTE: not all txs here are valid. We’re just agreeing on the order first. This means that block.AppHash does not include these txs.

class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.DuplicateVoteEvidence(vote_a: ~evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.Vote = <object object>, vote_b: ~evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.Vote = <object object>, total_voting_power: int = <object object>, validator_power: int = <object object>, timestamp: ~datetime.datetime = <object object>)[source]

Bases: Message

DuplicateVoteEvidence contains evidence of a validator signed two conflicting votes.

timestamp: datetime = <object object>
total_voting_power: int = <object object>
validator_power: int = <object object>
vote_a: Vote = <object object>
vote_b: Vote = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.Evidence(duplicate_vote_evidence: 'DuplicateVoteEvidence' = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, light_client_attack_evidence: 'LightClientAttackEvidence' = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>)[source]

Bases: Message

duplicate_vote_evidence: DuplicateVoteEvidence = <object object>
light_client_attack_evidence: LightClientAttackEvidence = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.EvidenceList(evidence: List[ForwardRef('Evidence')] = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>)[source]

Bases: Message

evidence: List[Evidence] = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.EvidenceParams(max_age_num_blocks: int = <object object>, max_age_duration: ~datetime.timedelta = <object object>, max_bytes: int = <object object>)[source]

Bases: Message

EvidenceParams determine how we handle evidence of malfeasance.

max_age_duration: timedelta = <object object>

Max age of evidence, in time. It should correspond with an app’s “unbonding period” or other similar mechanism for handling Nothing-At-Stake attacks.

max_age_num_blocks: int = <object object>

Max age of evidence, in blocks. The basic formula for calculating this is: MaxAgeDuration / {average block time}.

max_bytes: int = <object object>

This sets the maximum size of total evidence in bytes that can be committed in a single block. and should fall comfortably under the max block bytes. Default is 1048576 or 1MB

class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.HashedParams(block_max_bytes: int = <object object>, block_max_gas: int = <object object>)[source]

Bases: Message

HashedParams is a subset of ConsensusParams. It is hashed into the Header.ConsensusHash.

block_max_bytes: int = <object object>
block_max_gas: int = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.Header(version: ~evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.version.Consensus = <object object>, chain_id: str = <object object>, height: int = <object object>, time: ~datetime.datetime = <object object>, last_block_id: ~evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.BlockId = <object object>, last_commit_hash: bytes = <object object>, data_hash: bytes = <object object>, validators_hash: bytes = <object object>, next_validators_hash: bytes = <object object>, consensus_hash: bytes = <object object>, app_hash: bytes = <object object>, last_results_hash: bytes = <object object>, evidence_hash: bytes = <object object>, proposer_address: bytes = <object object>)[source]

Bases: Message

Header defines the structure of a Tendermint block header.

app_hash: bytes = <object object>
chain_id: str = <object object>
consensus_hash: bytes = <object object>
data_hash: bytes = <object object>
evidence_hash: bytes = <object object>

consensus info

height: int = <object object>
last_block_id: BlockId = <object object>

prev block info

last_commit_hash: bytes = <object object>

hashes of block data

last_results_hash: bytes = <object object>
next_validators_hash: bytes = <object object>
proposer_address: bytes = <object object>
time: datetime = <object object>
validators_hash: bytes = <object object>

hashes from the app output from the prev block

version: _version__.Consensus = <object object>

basic block info

class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.LightBlock(signed_header: 'SignedHeader' = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, validator_set: 'ValidatorSet' = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>)[source]

Bases: Message

signed_header: SignedHeader = <object object>
validator_set: ValidatorSet = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.LightClientAttackEvidence(conflicting_block: ~evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.LightBlock = <object object>, common_height: int = <object object>, byzantine_validators: ~typing.List[~evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.Validator] = <object object>, total_voting_power: int = <object object>, timestamp: ~datetime.datetime = <object object>)[source]

Bases: Message

LightClientAttackEvidence contains evidence of a set of validators attempting to mislead a light client.

byzantine_validators: List[Validator] = <object object>
common_height: int = <object object>
conflicting_block: LightBlock = <object object>
timestamp: datetime = <object object>
total_voting_power: int = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.Part(index: int = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, bytes: bytes = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, proof: '_crypto__.Proof' = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>)[source]

Bases: Message

bytes: bytes = <object object>
index: int = <object object>
proof: _crypto__.Proof = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.PartSetHeader(total: int = <object object>, hash: bytes = <object object>)[source]

Bases: Message


hash: bytes = <object object>
total: int = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.Proposal(type: 'SignedMsgType' = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, height: int = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, round: int = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, pol_round: int = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, block_id: 'BlockId' = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, timestamp: datetime.datetime = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, signature: bytes = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>)[source]

Bases: Message

block_id: BlockId = <object object>
height: int = <object object>
pol_round: int = <object object>
round: int = <object object>
signature: bytes = <object object>
timestamp: datetime = <object object>
type: SignedMsgType = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.SignedHeader(header: 'Header' = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, commit: 'Commit' = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>)[source]

Bases: Message

commit: Commit = <object object>
header: Header = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.SignedMsgType(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

SignedMsgType is a type of signed message in the consensus.





class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.SimpleValidator(pub_key: '_crypto__.PublicKey' = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, voting_power: int = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>)[source]

Bases: Message

pub_key: _crypto__.PublicKey = <object object>
voting_power: int = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.TxProof(root_hash: bytes = <object object>, data: bytes = <object object>, proof: ~evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.crypto.Proof = <object object>)[source]

Bases: Message

TxProof represents a Merkle proof of the presence of a transaction in the Merkle tree.

data: bytes = <object object>
proof: _crypto__.Proof = <object object>
root_hash: bytes = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.Validator(address: bytes = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, pub_key: '_crypto__.PublicKey' = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, voting_power: int = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, proposer_priority: int = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>)[source]

Bases: Message

address: bytes = <object object>
proposer_priority: int = <object object>
pub_key: _crypto__.PublicKey = <object object>
voting_power: int = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.ValidatorParams(pub_key_types: ~typing.List[str] = <object object>)[source]

Bases: Message

ValidatorParams restrict the public key types validators can use. NOTE: uses ABCI pubkey naming, not Amino names.

pub_key_types: List[str] = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.ValidatorSet(validators: List[ForwardRef('Validator')] = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, proposer: 'Validator' = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>, total_voting_power: int = <object object at 0x7f9e85778540>)[source]

Bases: Message

proposer: Validator = <object object>
total_voting_power: int = <object object>
validators: List[Validator] = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.VersionParams(app_version: int = <object object>)[source]

Bases: Message

VersionParams contains the ABCI application version.

app_version: int = <object object>
class evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.Vote(type: ~evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.SignedMsgType = <object object>, height: int = <object object>, round: int = <object object>, block_id: ~evmos.proto.autogen.py.tendermint.types.BlockId = <object object>, timestamp: ~datetime.datetime = <object object>, validator_address: bytes = <object object>, validator_index: int = <object object>, signature: bytes = <object object>)[source]

Bases: Message

Vote represents a prevote, precommit, or commit vote from validators for consensus.

block_id: BlockId = <object object>
height: int = <object object>
round: int = <object object>
signature: bytes = <object object>
timestamp: datetime = <object object>
type: SignedMsgType = <object object>
validator_address: bytes = <object object>
validator_index: int = <object object>